
科林大学 - Statement of Policy for Compliance with Department of Defense Memorandum 的理解

教育 Institution Requirements for Tuition Assistance Funding (Department of 国防谅解备忘录)

A. 火博体育官网已签署并遵守《火博体育》的要求 与国防部达成谅解.

B. 火博体育官网是:

         a. 由南方学院和学校协会委员会认证 上大学
         b. 退伍军人事务教育福利批准
         c. 经教育部批准的联邦学生援助项目

C. 火博体育官网遵守所有由部门提供的监管指导 国防和军种部长.

D. 火博体育官网符合德克萨斯州的授权要求

E. 火博体育官网参加第三方教育评估过程在 应国防部的要求.

F. Prior to a Service Member enrolling 科林大学 makes the following information 服务人员所知道的:

         a. 大学记分卡
         b. 大学领航员
         c. 财政援助购物表,登录 CougarWeb, 在快速链接下,点击我的经济援助,点击联邦 购物单,选择你获得的援助年度.    
         d. 支付大学学费        

         e.  所有服务人员必须与他们的教育服务官员交谈 (ESO)或辅导员报名上课之前.  入学批准文件 必须在注册前取得,并提交给出纳.  的 DODMOU POC will be notified of all students submitting approval to ensure that proper 发出通知.


G. 为了提供帮助,火博体育官网在每个校区都指定了一个联络点 guide service members to student 火博体育 such as 金融援助, Academic Advising, Disability Services, and other important 火博体育 that Service members can use to successfully complete their program of study and assist with job search activities.

         a. 中央公园校园-麦金尼

         b. 普雷斯顿岭校区-旧金山

         c. 春溪校园

H. 未经事先调查,私人贷款永远不会提供给军人 联邦和州财政援助的所有选择. 服役人员应该与一个人交谈 我们的 财务援助顾问.


         a. 服务人员可能有资格获得PELL或SEOG等补助金 低息联邦学生贷款. 一个财务援助顾问是可用的讨论 每个服务人员的可用援助. 联邦学生免费申请 援助 studentaid.政府 所有服役人员都应该填写吗.  这个申请允许火博体育官网 决定是否有资格获得联邦和州财政援助.

         b. 私人学生贷款通常比联邦学生贷款更昂贵. 教育部提供 火博体育 帮助解释联邦贷款和私人贷款之间的区别. 你的财务 援助顾问将与您一起审查这些差异.

         c. 联邦学生贷款信息
                   i. 火博体育官网的队列违约率为3.4% 全国的比率是10.1%
                   ii. 大约12%的学生借联邦学生贷款
                   3. 贷款还款数据

         d. 学生有能力拒绝所有贷款或借款少于 最高学生贷款金额. 强烈建议学生不要带学生外出 贷款,除非是绝对必要的.

I. 服务成员的再入学政策

         a. 所有服役人员都有资格重新进入一个项目,如果他们 are temporarily unable to attend class or have to suspend their studies due to service 需求. 服役人员的学术地位将恢复到原来的水平 和他们离开学校接受服务要求时的水平一样.

         b. 现役军人服役一段时间以上的武装部队成员 than 30 days will never be charged more than the in-state tuition rate at 科林大学. In-state tuition rates also apply to a service member's spouse and dependent children 服役超过30天.
J. 火博体育官网确保遵守一致的项目完整性要求 与环保署(34 C)发出的规例有关.F.R. 668.71-668.75和668.14)与…有关 restrictions on misrepresentation, recruitment, and payment of incentive compensation. 这适用于教育机构本身及其代理人,包括第三方 party generators, marketing firms, or companies that own or operate the educational 机构. 作为消除不公平、欺骗和滥用营销的努力的一部分 aimed at Service members and its agents including third party lead generators, marketing 拥有或经营教育机构的公司或公司将:


科林大学 prohibits inducements, including any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals, or other item having a monetary value of more than a de minimis amount, to any individual or entity, or its agents including third party lead generators or marketing firms other than salaries paid to employees or fees paid to contractors in conformity with all applicable laws for the purpose of securing enrollments of Service members or obtaining access to TA funds. 教育 institution sponsored scholarships or grants and tuition reductions available 是允许的,并且:


科林大学 prohibits the payment of any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including TA funds) to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial 援助,:


科林大学 prohibits high pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), including contacts by phone, email, or in-person, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing 服务成员注册的非学分课程/项目.

K. 学生不会自动注册在科林的课程. 学生总是 responsible for enrolling in courses and must grant permission to be enrolled in a 项目或课程.

L. 如果火博体育官网的课程需要认证机构的批准,那 approval must be obtained prior to any Service member being enrolled in the program.

M. 不适用.

N. 科林大学 credit transfer policies, drop/add and withdrawal policies are outlined 在当前学生目录中. 任何有关a学分转让的问题 service member should be direct to the Veterans Transition Specialist - Adela "Del" 瓦尔迪兹在 abvaldez@herbalifa.com 



         a. 火博体育官网对所有服务收取相同的学费和费用 成员,而不考虑其服务组件.

         b. 课程注册信息,课程退课,课程取消, course completion or failure, grade, verification of degree completion and billing 向颁发助教服务处的教育办事处报告.

         c. 学位要求在学生目录中列出,包括课程 information for each program such as number of credit hours required for completion, 必修课和选修课,毕业要求的程序. 学术顾问 should be consulted to review the choice for a program of study and to review transfer 适用于学习计划的课程作业.

         d. 服务成员必须获得其服务部门的批准才能使用 学费援助基金. 所有军事助教必须事先申请并批准 给定课程的开始日期.

         e. 将助教资金与财政援助一起使用


I. “充值”合格的现役国防部人员可使用此蒙哥马利或后9/11 G.I. Bill benefit in conjunction 与助教 funds from their Service to cover those course costs to the Service member that exceed the amount of TA paid by his or her Service. 符合蒙哥马利G计划资格的扶轮社社员.I. 账单福利可以同时使用这些福利 与助教. 获得后9/11 G资格的RC成员.I. 比尔可以使用 both VA education benefits and TA, but VA will only pay for the portion of tuition 不包括在电讯局长范围内. 因此,VA教育效益与TA的结合将会带来很大的好处 不超过实际学费的100%.

II. 国防部人员有权考虑各种形式的财政援助 教育机构提供给学生在他们的家庭校园. 教育 institution financial aid officers will provide information and application processes 为第四章学生援助计划,奖学金,奖学金,助学金,贷款等., 发给国防部行政长官受助人.

3. 被确定为合格的国防部TA接受者的服务成员,他们有资格获得佩尔 Grants through ED's student aid program, will have their TA benefits applied to their educational institution's account prior to the application of their Pell Grant funds 按他们的说法. 与受学费限制的助教基金不同,佩尔助学金基金 are not tuition-restricted and may be applied to other allowable charges on the account.

f. 学费管理

                   i. 本服务将按照规定向服务成员提供TA 与国防部和服务适当的规定.

                   ii. 学费援助资金将返还给服务教育 办公室如下:
                                1. 100%如果学生在 第一天上课.
                                2. 如果学生没有参加课程,100%.
                                3. 如果课程被学院取消,100%.
                                4. 当一名服役人员退出一门课程或 stops attending, tuition will be returned to the Services education office on a prorated 基础,以学期完成的天数为基础. 例如,a student that withdraws from a course that is 112 days long on the 54th day then  48% 由助教基金支付的学杂费的一半将退还给服务中心 该部分学杂费由会员自行承担.
                                5. 向军人收取的学费从不超过 向非军人学生收取的费用.
                                6. 学费每年由科林批准 College Board of Directors and are communicated to Service members at least 90 days 在新税率实施前.

g. 如果学院学生取消课程,将通知所有学生 取消.

h. 有关课程的书籍和用品可在 书店 在每个校区. 如果课程取消,书本费用将全额退还 按机构划分. 此外,所有学生都可以使用 校园图书馆提供印刷和电子资料.

i. 毕业成绩表彰

                    i. 火博体育官网将免费向政府发放文件 as proof of completion, such as a diploma or certificate, to each student who completes 满足各自的项目要求并履行所有财务义务.

                    ii. 根据服务要求,火博体育官网将 report to the Service concerned those TA recipients who have completed a certificate, 文凭或学位课程. 报告将至少每年进行一次,并包括 学位等级,专业和课程要求,完成日期.

                    3. 证书:证书、文凭或学位的学术证明 completion will reflect the degree-granting educational institution and campus authorized 授予学位.

                    iv. 火博体育官网强烈鼓励学生参与 在每年的毕业典礼上.

j. 火博体育官网通过电子方式向所有DOD TA接收者提供报告 for programs and courses offered to personnel as required by the cognizant Service.  This includes, but is not limited to, TA transactions, final course grades to include incompletes and withdrawals, degrees awarded, certificates earned, evaluated educational 计划,提供的课程和军队毕业. 教育机构提供 face-to-face courses on a DOD installation will provide a class roster to the responsible 教育顾问.  班级花名册将包括诸如姓名等信息 the instructor, the first and last name of each student (military and non-military), the course title, the class meeting day(s), the start and ending time of the class, 类的位置(e.g. 、大楼及房间号码).